
Mockingbird Innocence

Are your thoughts disorganized from this unexpected and oddly threatening, yet quiet time? The mockingbird seems scattered in his thoughts. He cannot finish a song. He’s so enthralled with one, he belts it out until another distracts his perky little mind, and he quickly switches with as much enthusiasm as he sang the first. I’m …

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Lost and Found

With the popularity of comic book characters, you’ve probably thought of what superpower you’d like to have. The ability to fly is high on most peoples’ lists. Time travel and instantaneous distance travel would be pretty nifty too. My choice, however, would be the ability to remember. Wouldn’t you love to keep neat files in …

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When Your Home is No Longer Your Children’s Home

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow A baseball cap wedged between the bed and wall, the piano bench pulled out, an empty refrigerator, and piles of sheets and towels, that’s what’s left after a weekend of storytelling, feasting, beaching, and celebrating. Now what? When  our young children ran around the yard playing the imagination game, grandparents …

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Live On Easter

The Day After Whew! Lent is over. I almost said, Easter is over, since it was yesterday, but Easter is my every day now. The time of constant self-examination and mourning sin is past. I am a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.The old has passed away; …

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Both Hands

Both Hands As I sat down at the kitchen table with a sandwich, the ticking clock sounded loud in the otherwise quiet house. I reached for my laptop but realized what I was doing and pushed the computer away.  Hhmmm.  What if I invited Jesus to have lunch with me? It was a novel idea, …

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Favored by Use

Mary was a virgin betrothed. During that era, a young women married when she was new to womanhood. Mary was close to 12 years of age. Twelve, that’s 6th grade in the USA. What is more remarkable is that she found favor with God. A 12 year old female at that time in Jewish history …

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