God’s Personal Love

Deep and Wide

Summertime, summertime, it’s here! As kids, my cousin and I played a game in the pool. We bounced up and down on our toes, counting with each lift, until on three, we squeezed our noses and pulled ourselves underwater to talk. Big bubbles erupted from our mouths followed by bursts of bubbles of all sizes, …

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Touching the Tops of Trees

What we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life— and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us—what we have …

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Hello God, Are You In This?

For the past eight years, during both democratic and republican presidencies, we’ve seen an increase in shootings, addictions, enmity between races and political parties, sexual immorality, gang crime, depravity in film and TV, denying life to babies, and contempt of God and Christians. I’ve also witnessed an increase in Christians praying for our country based …

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To Lent or Not to Lent

Tomorrow Lent begins. Drum roll……………….Will you participate this year?  Lent is like Advent. In Advent, we try to wrap our minds around God entering our world as a vulnerable baby. Wow. In Lent, we mull over this God/Man, Jesus, remaining vulnerable to death so we can enter new life. Lent seems to have a pall …

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Get Ready, It’s Coming

  I look forward to Lent. How is that possible? Lent is six and a half weeks of examining my darker side, a time of self-denial and of focus on the sacrifice of Christ Jesus. I wish Lent would hurry and get here, because I am sick and tired of indulging myself, literally. I crave …

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